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Pastors Christian & Karen Hedegaard

Christian Hedegaard is the pastor of Powerhouse Church with a powerful testimony. He grew up in the church in Denmark and as a teenager, he rebelled against the church. In 1988 he married Karen Hedegaard and on their honeymoon they traveled the world for one year, hitchhiking and sleeping in the streets.


He was always seeking crazy adventures but when his three-year-old daughter suffered a stroke and was put in a wheelchair he started seeking God seriously. During this process he got delivered from nine evil spirits, went to Bible College, and eventually started full-time ministry traveling into more than 60 nations preaching the gospel, healing the sick and casting out demons.


Christian Hedegaard is the author of five books among which "Conquering Demons" is his first to be translated into five languages. In December 2013 he established Powerhouse Church on Orange Blossom Trail, a poverty-stricken area in downtown Orlando. The church is open six days a week serving food and providing clothes, housing and legal help for people in need.


Behind every man of God, there is a woman of God.

Karen Hedegaard is such a woman and has been working alongside in the ministry during the years, helping her husband, teaching, training and leading the ministry as they started in Denmark and was called to other nations among these the US.


Karen Hedegaard loves to teach the Word of God that has been a guideline all her life. She has raised four kids and was the "breadwinner" as her husband entered into full-time ministry in 1996 working as a journalist and a freelance writer.


Things have not always been easy. When she married her husband she didn´t realize that he was bound by evil spirits and she did n´t even believe that this could be the case! When God delivered her husband, they started ministering together which has been very adventurous. 

1 (407) 476-1882


1025 S. Orange Blossom Trail

Orlando, FL 32805

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